

A new series of the Welsh documentary series ‘Cynefin’ is in preparation for broadcast on S4C. Usually ‘Cynefin’ visits areas in Wales to discuss their history but they are considering crossing the Irish sea for a special programme this series. One location under consideration is Dublin and the producers wish to know if any of our members that live there would be happy to have a chat about the city and their connections to it.

If you would like to take part, please email and we will forward your details to the producers.

Mae cyfres newydd o’r gyfres boblogaidd ‘Cynefin’ yn cael ei pharatoi i’w darlledu ar S4C. Fel arfer mae ‘Cynefin’ yn ymweld ag ardaloedd yng Nghymru ond rydyn nhw’n ystyried croesi’r mor ar gyfer rhaglen arbennig y tro hwn. Un syniad ydi ymweld â Dulyn ac mae’r cynhyrchwyr yn eisiau gwybod a fyddai unrhyw un o’n haelodau sy’n byw yno yn hapus i gael sgwrs am y ddinas a’u cysylltiadau â hi.

Os hoffech gymryd rhan, anfonwch e-bost at ac anfonwn eich manylion ymlaen at y cynhyrchwyr.

Cofiwch Dryweryn!

The History Show on RTE Radio 1 last Sunday 24th September told the story of the controversial drowning of the Tryweryn valley near Bala in northern Wales in the 1960s in order to construct a reservoir to provide water to Liverpool.  You can listen to the programme at any time by going to . The programme uses music which relates to Tryweryn, and also includes Dafydd Iwan’s ‘Yma o Hyd’, which has been recorded by Dublin Welsh Male Voice Choir, available on Spotify etc.

If you’d like to hear the story of Tryweryn in more detail, there is an 8-part podcast called ‘Drowned’ available on BBC Sounds at

‘Roedd y rhaglen ‘History Show’ ar RTE Radio 1 nos Sul diwethaf 24ain Medi yn adrodd hanes dadleuol boddi Cwm Tryweryn ger y Bala yng ngogledd Cymru yn y 1960au er mwyn adeiladu cronfa ddŵr i weinyddu Lerpwl. Gallwch wrando ar y rhaglen unrhyw bryd drwy fynd i  Mae’r rhaglen yn defnyddio cerddoriaeth sy’n ymwneud â Thryweryn, ac mae hefyd yn cynnwys ‘Yma o Hyd’ gan Dafydd Iwan, sydd wedi ei recordio gan Gôr Meibion Cymry Dulyn, ar gael ar Spotify ayb.

Os hoffech chi glywed hanes Tryweryn yn fwy manwl, mae podlediad 8-rhan o’r enw ‘Drowned’ ar gael ar BBC Sounds ar


Welsh people in Ireland 1901 / Cymry yn Iwerddon 1901

After contacting us earlier this year for assistance in preparing an Open University dissertation on Welsh people in Ireland in 1901 (see our news post from 16 April 2023), Michael Seery has now completed his work based on the 1901 Census, with a focus mostly on Dublin.   Called “What was the extent of socio-economic and cultural integration of Welsh people in Ireland in 1901?”, the OU have made it available online for public access at  Michael has generously acknowledged the assistance that Draig Werdd – the Welsh Society in Ireland was able to provide in preparing the work.

Ar ôl cysylltu â ni yn gynharach eleni am gymorth i baratoi traethawd hir i’r Brifysgol Agored ar y Cymry yn Iwerddon yn 1901 (gweler ein post newyddion o 16 Ebrill 2023), mae Michael Seery bellach wedi cwblhau ei waith (yn Saesneg) yn seiliedig ar gyfrifiad 1901, gyda ffocws yn bennaf ar Ddulyn.  Gyda’r enw “What was the extent of socio-economic and cultural integration of Welsh people in Ireland in 1901?”, mae’r Brifysgol Agored wedi sicrhau ei fod ar gael ar-lein i’r cyhoedd ar Mae Michael wedi cydnabod yn hael y cymorth a roddodd Draig Werdd – the Welsh Society in Ireland iddo fe wrth baratoi’r gwaith.


Digwyddiad Cloi LIVE Closing Event 12/5/23

The LIVE Project, which has been running for the past 3 years, is coming to a close, and they are inviting their Irish and Welsh friends to join them in  Co. Kerry, on Friday, 12th May 2023, for a day to talk about their work, outputs, and the future of regenerative tourism on the Iveragh and Llŷn peninsulas.

More information and registration on their website at

Mae’r Prosiect LIVE, sydd wedi bod yn rhedeg am y 3 blynedd diwethaf, yn dod i ben, ac maen nhw’n gwahodd eu ffrindiau Gwyddelig a Chymreig i ymuno â nhw yn Swydd Kerry, ar ddydd Gwener 12 Mai 2023, am ddiwrnod i siarad am eu gwaith, eu cynnyrch, a dyfodol twristiaeth adfywiol ar benrhyn Iveragh a Llŷn.

Mwy o wybodaeth a chofrestru ar eu gwefan ar