
A new series of the Welsh documentary series ‘Cynefin’ is in preparation for broadcast on S4C. Usually ‘Cynefin’ visits areas in Wales to discuss their history but they are considering crossing the Irish sea for a special programme this series. One location under consideration is Dublin and the producers wish to know if any of our members that live there would be happy to have a chat about the city and their connections to it.

If you would like to take part, please email and we will forward your details to the producers.

Mae cyfres newydd o’r gyfres boblogaidd ‘Cynefin’ yn cael ei pharatoi i’w darlledu ar S4C. Fel arfer mae ‘Cynefin’ yn ymweld ag ardaloedd yng Nghymru ond rydyn nhw’n ystyried croesi’r mor ar gyfer rhaglen arbennig y tro hwn. Un syniad ydi ymweld â Dulyn ac mae’r cynhyrchwyr yn eisiau gwybod a fyddai unrhyw un o’n haelodau sy’n byw yno yn hapus i gael sgwrs am y ddinas a’u cysylltiadau â hi.

Os hoffech gymryd rhan, anfonwch e-bost at ac anfonwn eich manylion ymlaen at y cynhyrchwyr.

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