On the Horizon: Welsh – Irish Connections / Ar y Gorwel: Cysylltiadau Cymreig – Gwyddelig

On Thurs 17 June, you are invited by Dirty Protest & Fishamble to the sharing of 3 new short plays written collaboratively between Welsh & Irish writers! Attendees will experience the very first public sharing of these plays, read by Welsh and Irish actors, and to hear more about the collaborations in a post-reading Q+A with the writers.

Dirty Protest is Wales’ award-winning theatre company leading the development, promotion and production of new writing for performance.  Fishamble is an Olivier Award-winning Irish theatre company that discovers, develops and produces new plays of national importance with a global reach, while championing the role of the playwright.  For this online event, they have joined forces to pair up Welsh and Irish writers to collaborate on three new short plays!

Full details are at https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/on-the-horizon-welsh-irish-connections-tickets-153487365843 .  It is a long event, running from 10.00am to 2.30 pm but it is free and one could dip in and out, e.g. to hear the plays being read between 11.15 and 12.30 or the discussion about “current and future opportunities for Welsh-Irish connections through art” from 1.00 to 2.30.


Ar ddydd Iau 17 Mehefin, fe’ch gwahoddir gan Dirty Protest & Fishamble i rannu 3 drama fer newydd a ysgrifennwyd ar y cyd rhwng awduron o Gymru ac Iwerddon! Bydd mynychwyr yn profi rhaniad cyhoeddus cyntaf un o’r dramâu hyn, wedi’u darllen gan actorion o Gymru ac Iwerddon, ac i glywed mwy am y cydweithrediadau mewn Q + A ar ôl y darllen gyda’r ysgrifenwyr.

Dirty Protest yw cwmni theatr Cymreig sy’n arwain y gwaith o ddatblygu, hyrwyddo a chynhyrchu ysgrifennu newydd ar gyfer perfformio.  Mae Fishamble yn gwmni theatr Gwyddelig sydd wedi ennill Gwobr Olivier ac sy’n darganfod, datblygu a chynhyrchu dramâu newydd o bwysigrwydd cenedlaethol gyda chyrhaeddiad byd-eang, wrth hyrwyddo rôl y dramodydd.  Ar gyfer y digwyddiad ar-lein hwn, mae nhw wedi ymuno er mwyn creu parau o ddramodwyr Cymreig a Gwyddelig i gydweithio ar dair drama fer newydd!

Mae manylion llawn i’w cael ar https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/on-the-horizon-welsh-irish-connections-tickets-153487365843 .  Mae’n ddigwyddiad hir, yn rhedeg rhwng 10.00am a 2.30 pm ond mae’n rhad ac am ddim a gallai pobl dipio i mewn ac allan, e.e. i glywed y dramâu yn cael eu darllen rhwng 11.15 a 12.30 neu’r drafodaeth am “gyfleoedd presennol ac yn y dyfodol ar gyfer cysylltiadau Cymraeg-Gwyddelig trwy gelf” rhwng 1.00 a 2.30.

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