Festival of Welsh choral music 17/09/2016 Gŵyl Gerdd Gorawl Gymreig

Dublin Welsh Male Voice Choir is celebrating its 50th anniversary in 2016, and to celebrate the occasion the choir is organising a Festival of Welsh Choral Music at the National Concert Hall in Dublin on Saturday, September 17th.   A number of male voice choirs from Wales will be joining them to make up a choir of around 150 voices.   The programme will include a mixture of hymns and other sacred works, Welsh and Irish folk songs, opera choruses and popular songs, chosen to reflect the repertoire of the choir over its fifty years of existence.   They will also be joined by the renowned Welsh soprano Elin Manahan Thomas, who will be singing a number of solo items.

If you’d like to be there for what promises to be an emotional and memorable celebration of Welsh music in Dublin, tickets can be bought online for €25 (€22 for concessions) from the National Concert Hall via their website at www.nch.ie.


Bydd Côr Meibion Cymry Dulyn yn dathlu 50 mlynedd ers ei sefydliad yn 2016, ac i ddathlu’r achlysur mae’r côr yn trefnu Gŵyl Gerdd Gorawl Gymreig yn y National Concert Hall yn Nulyn ar ddydd Sadwrn, 17 Medi. Bydd nifer o gorau meibion o Gymru yn ymuno â nhw i ffurfio côr o tua 150 o leisiau. Bydd y rhaglen yn cynnwys cymysgedd o emynau a gweithiau cysegredig eraill, caneuon gwerin Gymreig a Gwyddelig, cytganau opera a chaneuon poblogaidd, wedi eu dewis i adlewyrchu repertoire y côr dros yr hanner can mlynedd o’i fodolaeth. Bydd y soprano Gymreig enwog Elin Manahan Thomas yn ymuno â nhw hefyd i ganu nifer o eitemau unigol.

Os hoffech chi fod yno ar gyfer yr achlysur hwn sy’n argoeli i fod yn ddathliad emosiynol a chofiadwy o gerddoriaeth Gymreig yn Nulyn, mae tocynnau ar gael ar-lein am €25 (€ 22 am gonsesiynau) oddi wrth y National Concert Hall drwy eu gwefan ar www.nch.ie.


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