National Theatre Wales / Theatr Cenedlaethol Cymru

The National Theatre Wales, based in Cardiff, is travelling to Ireland from May 22 to June 1 to tour their production, Cotton Fingers.  They will be visiting Belfast, Derry, Dublin and Bray.  A timely, politically-charged show, written by award-winning writer Rachel Trezise at the time of the historic referendum of the 8th amendment in Ireland, Cotton Fingers takes us on a journey from Belfast to Cardiff.

For more details and to book tickets go to

Mae Theatr Cenedlaethol Cymru, sydd wedi’i leoli yng Nghaerdydd, yn teithio i Iwerddon rhwng 22 Mai a 1 Mehefin i fynd â’u cynhyrchiad, Cotton Fingers, ar daith. Byddant yn ymweld â Belfast, Derry, Dulyn a Bray. Mae Cotton Fingers yn sioe amserol, wleidyddol, wedi’i hysgrifennu gan yr awdur arobryn Rachel Trezise ar adeg refferendwm hanesyddol yr 8fed newidiant i’r cyfansoddiad yn Iwerddon.

Am fwy o fanylion ac i archebu tocynnau ewch i

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