Chapel plaque update / Newyddion plac y capel

We are continuing to discuss erection of a plaque on the old Welsh chapel in Talbot Street, Dublin with Dublin City Council.   The plaque has been made and is currently stored in the council offices.   However, the external condition of the building is a cause for concern for the council committee which authorises erection of the plaque, which has not yet received final approval from them.  Click here to see a report from the council on the current status of the campaign.  We will continue to liaise with the council in order to bring the issue to a final resolution and will keep you updated on progress.

Rydym yn parhau i drafod codi plac ar yr hen gapel Cymraeg yn Talbot Street, Dulyn gyda Chyngor Dinas Dulyn. Mae’r plac wedi cael ei wneud ac yn cael ei storio ar hyn o bryd yn swyddfeydd y cyngor. Fodd bynnag, mae cyflwr allanol yr adeilad yn peri pryder i’r pwyllgor y cyngor sy’n awdurdodi codi’r plac, sydd ddim wedi derbyn cymeradwyaeth derfynol eto oddi wrthynt. Cliciwch yma i weld adroddiad gan y cyngor ar statws presennol yr ymgyrch. Byddwn yn parhau i gysylltu â’r cyngor er mwyn dod â’r mater i benderfyniad terfynol a byddwn yn eich hysbysebu am ddatblygiadau.

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