GlobalWelsh Dublin Hub

My name is Evan, I’m the new head of the GlobalWelsh Dublin Hub – GlobalWelsh being a community of Welsh people wanting to network and invest in Wales. A number of city hubs have been set up already, to find out more please visit and feel free to register! I suggest the best way forward is for us to have two more meetings where we try to find more people who could come and to get to know each other better. This way if people are on holiday or have other plans next month, they have at least enough time to plan for the second meeting. I’m suggesting; 30th August– Sophie’s, 33 Harcourt Street, Dublin 6:30pm;  28th September – The Duke, Duke Street, Dublin  6:30pm
I’ll also talk to them about opening an official DublinHub Facebook or Linkedin page where we can all join up.
Evan ydw i, pennaeth newydd Hwb Dulyn GlobalWelsh.   Mae GlobalWelsh yn gymuned o Gymry sydd eisiau rhwydweithio a buddsoddi yng Nghymru. Mae nifer o hybiau dinas wedi’u sefydlu eisoes, i ddarganfod mwy ewch i ac mae croeso i chi gofrestru!  ‘Naethom ni gael ein cyfarfod cyntaf mis diwethaf a hollol llwyddiant odd e.  Rwy’n awgrymu mai’r ffordd orau ymlaen yw i ni gael dau gyfarfod arall lle rydyn ni’n ceisio dod o hyd i fwy o bobl a allai ddod ac i ddod i adnabod ein gilydd yn well. Fel hyn, os yw pobl ar wyliau neu os oes ganddyn nhw gynlluniau eraill y mis nesaf, mae ganddyn nhw o leiaf ddigon o amser i gynllunio ar gyfer yr ail gyfarfod. Rwy’n awgrymu: 30 Awst – Sophie’s, 33 Harcourt Street, Dublin 6:30pm; 28 Medi – The Duke, Duke Street, Dublin 6:30pm
Byddaf hefyd yn siarad â nhw am agor tudalen Facebook neu Linkedin swyddogol DublinHub lle gallwn ni i gyd ymuno.

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