AGM 20/10/2016 CCB

The 2016 Draig Werdd Annual General Meeting (AGM) will take place at 7.30pm on Thursday evening 20th October at Centenary Methodist Church Hall, Leeson Park, Dublin 4.   The meeting room is accessed via the entry to Centenary Methodist Church, which is at the rear of Wesley House, the building next to the large church at the end of Leeson Park (see map below).

As well as giving members the opportunity to have a say in the running of the society, you will also be able to hear a report on the results of our appeal for funds to erect a plaque on the old Welsh Chapel in Talbot Street, to discuss plans for an unveiling ceremony for the plaque and to hear details of our St. David’s Day celebration in 2017.

Please make every effort to come along to what is always a very pleasant social evening which gives an opportunity for members to get together.  Tea or coffee and biscuits will be provided.


Bydd Cyfarfod Cyffredinol Blynyddol Draig Werdd 2016 (CCB) yn cael ei gynnal am 7.30pm ar nos Iau 20 Hydref yn Neuadd Eglwys Fethodistaidd Centenary, Leeson Park, Dulyn 4.  Ceir mynediad i’r ystafell drwy’r mynediad i’r Eglwys Fethodistaidd Centenary, sydd y tu ôl i Wesley House, yr adeilad yn nesaf i’r eglwys fawr ar ddiwedd Leeson Park (gweler y map uchod).

Yn ogystal â rhoi cyfle i aelodau i gael llais mewn gwaith o redeg y gymdeithas , byddwch hefyd yn gallu clywed adroddiad ar ganlyniadau ein hapêl am arian i godi plac ar yr hen gapel Gymraeg yn Talbot Street, i drafod cynlluniau ar gyfer seremoni dadorchuddio’r plac ac i glywed manylion am ein dathliad Dydd Gŵyl Dewi yn 2017.

Byddwn yn falch pe basech chi wneud pob ymdrech i fynychu noson sydd bob amser yn gymdeithasol iawn ac yn rhoi cyfle i aelodau i ddod at eu gilydd. Bydd te neu goffi a bisgedi yn cael eu darparu.

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